Thursday 10 January 2013

Beauty School Drop Out

I woke up on the penultimate day of the school holidays and got out of bed in the usual blurry state.   I took a glance in the mirror as I passed the bathroom to see a gigantic line down my forehead (AKA a wrinkle).  I was so shocked by this line I gave a silent cry, as let's face it (literally) what else can you do?    I thanked Mother Nature for delivering this post-Christmas gift and carried on with my motherly duties in a more relaxed fashion than the norm as the school rush wasn't on. 

Father Christmas had given me a humongous supply of face creams.  I don't think I've ever received so many in one go (all mainly Boots No 7 and a few Clarins on my Christmas list).  So my husband thought I'd be in good supply for at least a few months which no doubt I will be.  I was slightly insulted that he unintentionally bought the 45-55 year old category for my no 7 cream and when I politely mentioned that I was in the 35-45 year old category to which he responded that was all a load of marketing rubbish, they shouldn't categorise cream by people's ages and they all do the same thing.  He's probably right and it's only my pride that was slightly dented by the age cream thing.  I have since been smathering on the stuff and hoping for the best.  It's the turning 40 thing that's slightly alarmed me, hence the request for facial cream. 

Broadcaster Fiona Bruce admitted recently that  ''Age is definitely an issue for women in TV.''
''So far, it hasn't been for me, but I know I need to make the best of myself.''
''For instance, if I have a few grey hairs. I dye them. I don't let my grey hair show when I'm reading the news''.   Well I appreciate your honesty Fiona and I bet you're also into trying out the latest miracle face creams!  Seeing as I'm in the broadcasting industry I guess it's worth plastering it on but do not wish to go any further than that.  Have you seen some people on TV resembling plastic dolls with no expression?  Bring on the natural look that's what people prefer isn't it?; just look at how the tides are changing with Britain's new love Clare Balding after her amazing commentary on the Paralympics she's been moved into Saturday night TV and I'm guessing she doesn't spend hours analyzing her skin.  So this makes me more confident with regards to my career and how people appreciate a brain and attractive personality with a few lines is more interesting! 

Regardless of my new beauty products, I saw an advert for local beauty school models and thought as soon as the littlies go back to school I will get going with a facial to iron out the new wrinkle.  I wheeled my two year old son into the school  with me (well I could hardly leave him outside) to book an appointment.  The beauty school therapists were busily waxing each other within an inch of their lives and Max wanted to get straight out of his pushchair to see what they were all babbling about.  He ran down the large room with salon beds of gushing girls saying hello and fawning over him and he was very pleased showing off in front of them.  Meanwhile Julie their teacher told them to be quiet as a client (me) was in the room.

So I went in to my appointment today to have a manicure and facial and was greeted by the receptionist and paid for my treatment up front and was told to sit down next to the other 'models' for our treatments.  Half an hour later I was greeted by Kelly my lovely manicurist and was sat down to a manicure and Julie the teacher was very instructive and obvioulsy very good.  It really felt like I was in the beauty parlour in the Grease movie.  Even their outfits were the same as the Pink Ladies!  My head was buzzing with the Song Beauty School Drop Out and was mesmorised by this video as a child. 

The Pink Ladies in Grease

Because of the late start I was told the manicure would continue while I was having a facial so was moved on to the bed surrounded with curtains and met Jessie my facialist who called me 'Honey' lots and was charming apart from being blasted with a white light while she analysed my skin through a magnifying glass for what seemed like half an hour.  She jotted so many notes down I wondered how bad my skin could be.  Then Julie came to oversea and look at my skin under light too and said 'are you outdoors lots?' ie your face is really weather beaten.  She said do I ride lots which was a nice way of putting it.  I did say I was outdoors lots which I am and generally thought that was good for my skin being on cliff walks and country walks whenever I get a chance!  Anyway Julie recommended I get into a beauty routine and look like this in ten years time and that was our aim.  I said go ahead and I'm all for that!!  My face was then steamed, massaged and given a Dermologica treatment.

An hour later I walked out as fresh as a daisy with a polished face and my hands were lifted out of of wax paraffin bag and nails swiftly painted.  The polish didn't dry properly so they were slightly the way I do them when I'm in a hurry but overall the result wasn't bad for a beauty school therapist. 

My friend who called me half way through the beauty treatment has already asked to come along with me for a facial to cut costs this January.  Our original plan was to go to the Alexander Spa Hotel down the road for a spa day.  But seeing as we're both broke it's a trip down to the Sussex college, but I know we'll have as much fun here.  It's the company you keep that matters after all isn't it?

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